Svetlana Samsonova
Limasole (Cyprus)
I am an entrepreneur, investor, mentor and educator.
I explore integral approach in business, personal and social development since 2017 and particularly love supporting young people in their integral development.
I live in the sunny Cyprus and in the past lived in Latvia, Malta and Russia.
When I joined Living Cities in 2018 I lived in Riga, Latvia and attended European Forum of Living Cities in Amsterdam and Eindhoven, where I met Marilyn, Anne-Marie and Cees.
This inspired me to later start my first integral city community in Riga.
In my business that I created 10 years ago with 1000 employees I practiced integral organizational and human development. We saw customers and employees as our family, and this led to amazing results.
Later, I used Living Cities principles to create an offline and online platform to support the open dialogue between teenagers and entrepreneurs that helped hundreds of kids to learn about themselves and contribute to their cities.
My latest project was developing a board game for teenagers that teaches and empowers them to build a world based on their personal values. We can bring it to many countries.
I deeply care about our future on planet Earth and hope that together we can build a better future for all. I think cooperation based on clear common values is very important on this path.
My dream is to help create a new thriving human civilization and I will support LCE through my contributions and provide various resources for our projects in the years to come.