Simon Divecha
What's your mission in life?
Connecting with, and amplifying, all that seeks to create positive influence.
What makes you want to join LCE?
I’m excited for the synergies and potentials in LCE and the people I see are founding this andinvolved.
How you might contribute to our mission (making 8 billion people, 10.000 cities and our one blue planet fully alive)?
My core competencies are around action research and quantum social change. I mean this broadly recognising that weco-create, scaffold each other to hold opening spaces and places in which we are more likely to find emergent action. Emergent in that we generate outcomes for beauty/flourishing, insight and connection beyond the sum of our individualparts.
In practical terms this is usually done by participating in spaces such as (be) Benevolution, Pacific Integral, the ActionResearch Journal, UN IPBES Transformative change assessment, writing, Emergent commons and a range of otherinitiatives revolving around connecting inner development (e.g. Inner Development Goals) with our outer experiences tomeet meta-crises.
What are your superpowers/ key competencies?
Connecting with what is to assist collective insight - what roles do you love playing,
Coach, connector, integrator
Country and city you represent
I’m geographically local to Scotland, Western Isles, far northern edge of the wild Atlantic Ocean. I culturally resonate as a Montanan, Snowy Mountains Australian, New Zealander, Indian Himalayan and Scottish Islander.
Organization(s) you represent and your role there
(be) Benevolution. Co-founder
Personal and professional interests, achievements and any other facts you want to share
Winner of the University Medal for my doctoral research (on Internal Sustainability).