Learning Gaia Talk

Time & Location
Jan 23, 2024, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM GMT+1
Virtual Event
About the event
Learning Gaia Talk
With Dr. Marilyn Hamilton, Founder of Integral City Meshworks, Co-Founder Living Cities.Earth
Marilyn was deeply impacted by Gaia through the voice of James Lovelock, physicist who considered that the planet Gaia is a Living System. He suggested that humans were Gaia’s Reflective Organs. Marilyn will share how cities may be Gaia’s Organs, organizations are like organelles and individual human are cells in those organs.
Altogether our cities as organs interact to become interconnected living systems of Gaia. Recently she has considered how morphic fields and mycelial networks may be evolving cities as evolutionary bodies of Gaia.
Marilyn will share how she learned of Gaia’s Code of Care – considering the symbiosis of Caring for Person, People, Places, Planet. She will explain how a set of Gaia Maps reveal the 4 Quadrants of the City, a nested Holarchy of city systems, the Micro-Meso- Macro Fractals of human development, the organizational complexity and the field of spiritual energy flowing through the city. She will explore how to ask good questions for, with and as Gaia that are Deep, Clear, Wide and High.
In learning Gaia talk, Marilyn will reveal how she learned Gaia Talk for the 7th Generation through the teachings of the Indigenous people and her plans to introduce Gaia Talk through a series of Living Cities Earth training programs called Lead ALIVE, Organize ALIVE, Place ALIVE and Planet ALIVE.
Join Marilyn Hamilton at the Learning Gaia Talk event on January 23, 2024 at 15:00 GMT, 16:00 CET.